Ophcrack is a Windows password cracker based on rainbow tables. It is a very efficient implementation of rainbow tables done by the inventors of the method. It comes with a GTK+ Graphical User Interface and runs on Windows, Mac OS X (Intel CPU) as well as on Linux.
Ophcrack 2.3. released - 2006-07-21
Support for NTLM Hashes added.
Improved loading of tables into cache.
» Runs on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X (intel).
» Cracks LM and NTLM hashes.
» Free tables available for alphanumeric LM hashes.
» Loads hashes from local SAM, remote SAM.
» Loads hashes from encrypted SAM recovered from a Windows partition.
Ophcrack LiveCD
The ophcrack LiveCD contains a full linux system (SLAX), ophcrack for linux and rainbow tables for alphanumerical passwords.
The liveCD cracks passwords automatically, no installation necessary, no admin passwort necessary (as long as you can boot from cd).
Available table sets
Mixed-case alphanumerical LMHashes (SSTIC tables)
These tables are distributed freely under the GNU general public license (GPL) and come in two sizes:
SSTIC04-5k is a large one (720MB) for machines having atleast 500M of RAM.
SSTIC04-10k is a smaller table set (388MB) for machines having less than 500M of RAM.
The tables can be downloaded from the opchrack project page at LASEC, EPFL
Both table sets crack mixed case alhpnumerical passwords of up to 14 characters, but because of the time-memory trade-off, the larger table set can crack the passwords much faster, if you have enough to hold all the tables in RAM. The success rate of these tables is 99.9%
LM Hashes with 33 special chars (WS20k tables)
This table set cracks 96% percent of LM Hashes of passwords of length up to 14 characters made of the following characters :
0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMN OPQRSTUVWXYZ!"#$%&' ()*+,-./:;&<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~ (including the space character)
This table set is available from Objectif Securité and from Forensic & Security Services in the US.
NT Hashes with 33 special chars (NTHASH tables)
This table set crack 99% of NT Hashes of the following passowrds:
» passwords of length 6 or less composed by characters in this set:
0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMN OPQRSTUVWXYZ!"#$%&' ()*+,-./:;&<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~ (including the space character)
» alphanumeric passwords of length 7 (lower- and uppercase)
» alphanumeric passwords of length 8 (lowercase only)
This table set is available from Objectif Securité and from Forensic & Security Services in the US.
Fastest Windows Password Cracker
Posted by Bijay | 11:33 AM | Crack a Password, Password Cracking | 0 comments »
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