Botnet Collection

Posted by Bijay | 2:19 AM | | 0 comments »

the archive only has bot sources
you need to compile them with a c or c++ compiler

A small tut on making bots

* *
* Botnet, provided to you by Mohammad Ahmadi Bidakhvidi. *
* *

1) Making your own DDoS botnet

This tutorial will teach you how to make a botnet. Now I'm
going to keep this plain and simple, for fully understanding
this tutorial there is some basic C++ programming knowledge

2) Goals

With a botnet you control some amount of PCs (also called
zombies). Mostly they are used for:

a) Infecting other computers so your botnet gets bigger
DDoS attacks

3) What do you need:

a)Basic knowledge of C++
Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 (Enterprise or Corporate edition)
c) SDK update (click here)
d) A botnet bot source code (C++) - there are different botnet bots, I'll give you the source of some good bots

4) Let's get started

You download the source here, change config.h, and done that
you will build the EXE. Of course you don't run the EXE, that
EXE must spread know, but there is one problem, the virus scanners
detect your tool... Well the solution is easy, use a EXE packer to
hide your virus, to mislead virus scanners. Don't use famous packers
like UPX, virus scanners will look to packed EXEs by those packers as
win32.bloodhound (possible threat).

5) The Bots

There are many bots avaible in this pack, every bot has several
"versions", these versions are modifications of the original source
so they have better or extra functions and eventually bug fixes.
These are the sources of the bots avaible [all VC++ sources]:

a) urxbot
c) sdbot
d) rxbot
e) rbot
f) phatbot
g) litmus
h) gtbot
i) forbot
j) evilbot
k) darkirc
l) agobot
m) acebot
n) Others (jbot, microbot, blueeyebot, icebot, q8bot, happybot, ...)

Free Download
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Size : 77mb approx

Botnet Collection

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