SECURE Magazine is a freely available digital security magazine discussing some of the hottest information security topics. It can be distributed only in the form of the original non-modified PDF document.

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* Microsoft Windows Vista: significant security improvement?
* Review: GFI Endpoint Security 3
* Interview with Edward Gibson, Chief Security Advisor at Microsoft UK
* Top 10 spyware of 2006
* The spam problem and open source filtering solutions
* Office 2007: new format and new protection/security policy
* Wardriving in Paris
* Interview with Joanna Rutkowska, security researcher
* Climbing the security career mountain: how to get more than just a job
* RSA Conference 2007 report
* ROT13 is used in Windows? You’re joking!
* Data security beyond PCI compliance - protecting sensitive data in a distributed environment

[Source: Darknet ]