BarsWF is basically an MD5 cracking tool and at the moment, is currently the fastest. Right now on nVidia 9600GT/C2D 3Ghz CUDA version does 350 M keys/sec, SSE2 version does 108 M keys/sec. You may check benchmarks of all known good MD5 bruteforcers here.

Changes in 0.8

* Added checks for errors when calling CUDA kernel.
* Now you can specify custom characters for charset using -X switch.
* You may specify minimal password length using -min_len.
* Save/restore feature added. State is being stored to every 5 minutes or on exit. You may continue computation using -r switch. You may manually edit .save file to distribute job on several computers (but this is up to you - it is quite simple and non-documented ). BarsWF will also write found password into at the end.
* Improved speed for cards GTX260, GTX280, 8800GT, 9600GSO, 8800GS, 8800GTS - by approximately 10%, all other cards will get just 1-2%.

System Requirements

* CUDA version only:nVidia GeForce 8xxx and up, at least 256mb of video memory.
* LATEST nVidia-driver with CUDA support.Standard drivers might be a bit older (as CUDA 2.0 is still beta)
* CPU with SSE2 support (P4, Core2Duo, Athlon64, Sempron64, Phenom).
* Recommended 64-bit OS (WinXP 64 or Vista64). 32-bit version is also available.

Download BarsWF 0.8 here:
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BarsWF CUDA x64
BarsWF CUDA x32


BarsWF SSE x64
BarsWF SSE x32

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